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10 Tips for Winning Event Sponsorship: Perfecting Your Pitch

9th Mar 2023

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Having smart partnerships is a key element in successful event management. Securing event sponsors not only provides media exposure but also injects necessary funds into your budget. A strong lineup of sponsors can make planning easier, boost ticket sales, and add value for attendees.

This is why businesses and brands are inundated with sponsorship requests. To stand out from the competition, events seeking sponsors must be well-researched and well-prepared. To help secure sponsors, we've put together 10 tips to help you craft the perfect pitch and increase your chances of getting sponsors. Let's us know how you go!

Here are 10 tips for securing event sponsorships that will make your proposals stand out and increase your chances of success:

Tip #1: Do your research. Don't send an impersonal blanket pitch to just anyone. Take the time to research your sponsorship targets and find out who to speak to.

Tip #2: Share details about your attendees. Providing valuable information such as demographic data and anticipated attendee numbers, can make you more attractive to potential sponsors.

Tip #3: Keep it short and concise. Be upfront with why you're contacting them, but don't drown them in every detail. Start a dialogue, not deliver a one-way presentation.

Tip #4: Make it relevant. Create targeted decks that speak to each level and its benefits. Alternatively, be open to an ‘a la carte’ approach and tailor a package that will suit your sponsors.

Tip #5: Choose the right format. Print your deck as a PDF first to reduce the file size and ensure that embedded fonts and branding stay intact.

Tip #6: Make it impressive. A slick sponsorship deck makes you and your event look more professional. Use sites like Unsplash or Canva to find or create beautiful images and design elements that suit your branding.

Tip #7: Keep track of leads. Use a tool that tracks email and attachment opens to know who has actually read your deck before calling sponsors to follow up.

Tip #8: Invest in good photography. High-quality photos will appeal to future sponsors.

Tip #9: Think about long-term value. Identify extra opportunities to create long-term value for the business.

Tip #10: Be humble. End your proposal or reach out email with a thank you and your contact information, but avoid pushy closing statements.

With these tips in mind, you can start crafting the perfect event sponsorship pitch. And to make things even easier, download our free pitch deck template and get started on your next proposal. With a little effort and the right tools, you can secure the sponsorships you need to make your next event a success.


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